Joe Mullings on Why You Should Upskill Your Workforce

Recruiting is no longer just about finding people with specific hard skills; now it is also about finding people with the right interpersonal skills because today’s workforces are predominantly remote. People need to communicate and lead better than they did in the on-site work days for everyone to stay productive.

Joe Mullings, Chief Vision Officer at MRI, was recently interviewed by about what upskilling is, why it matters now more than ever, and how it will change recruiting. 

Recruiters need to source candidates with strong cognitive ability, organizational skills, conscientiousness, and AQ (adversity quotient), “meaning they get excited to be engaged in an agile learning environment,” says Mullings. “It is going to end up changing target profiles of individuals,” he says. Instead of looking simply for skills and a culture fit, HR is going to have to consider whether individuals can be upskilled — and whether they want to be.

To learn more about the benefits of upskilling and how to get started, read the original article on

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